ISBN, Bar Code and Legal Deposit

The ISBN barcode appears n the baack cover of a printed book along with publisher impreture

Every published book needs a different ISBN (International Standard Book Number). This applies to e-books, printed books and any other form your project might take – they will all require a separate ISBN.

Most vendors will supply you with a free ISBN that can only be used on their platform. While this sounds ‘easy’ it is limiting, and this is the reason why to publish a book over which you have complete control of rights and distribution, you should apply your own ISBN.

ISBN’s are only available from the one source supplier and are life long and registered to the publisher Imprint. Never buy one from someone else. Either pay the money and buy a batch and register as a publisher yourself, or use an established publisher.

A barcode can also contain the price formatted correctly for the country. This can then be scanned and all the publisher information will be available – essential if selling through physical outlets.

All publications of printed books are required to have a copy sent to the British Library and subsequent copies (5) to the legal deposit office which then distributes to all major libraries in the United Kingdom.

As a publisher Verbum Publications assumes the responsibility for undertaking:

• Acquisition and production of ISBN and bar code in relevant formats

• Registration of the publication with Legal Deposit and printed copies sent as required.

But there are additional more necessary process involved that are often overlooked

• Book description, categorisation and basic Keyword research

• Book metadata entered and linked with national central distributor

All of these services are included in our publishing packages where there are additional things also included but as a stand alone service

ISBN Supplied, Legal Deposit registration and all essential publication data set up 120.00

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